#48🔥 Dive into Lex's Mind: Meditation Revelations & Exclusive Song Premiere 🎶
How's life treating you? I’d love to hear your updates, so hit reply and let me know!
I've been diving deep into meditation, and I've discovered some gems - Curious about the thoughts that pop up in my head during meditation? Here's a sneak peek into my brain (censored for the internet).
A helpful tip for my fellow Wanderers: If you struggle with finding warmth and enjoyment during meditation, try this practice to thaw your heart. ❤️
🔊 Prefer to listen? Check out the audio version of my reflections (perfect for before bed/for road trips/if you’re doing brain surgery)
How much importance do we give to our thoughts and how much importance do we give to our bodily feeling?
If there is an achy heart, and I sit and feel it fully, memories of past experiences bubble up. An ex, a car crash, a moment of anger directed at me. If I watch carefully, I see that these thoughts are all stories surrounding the same feeling. It's the achy heart at the foundation of these memories.
So ridding myself of this achy heart, how helpful is it to look at the memories? Is this trimming the leaves of the problematic tree?
If I were smarter and braver, would I embrace the feelings in my body, the roots of the pain, instead of getting lost in the kites and Chinese lanterns of which my memories are?
Often the feelings that sit deepest within don't have coherent mental images or words to describe their context. Sometimes it's just hurt, trying to be understood by the mind.
What happens if I say 'For this next sit, what happens if I put the meaning of all the thoughts to one side, and just feel what's going on, without trying to resolve the story'?
So, next time you meditate, consider setting your thoughts aside and truly feeling what's going on inside. Let's see what unfolds!
🎶 Song of the Week (SOTW): Yours truly! Listen to the track I created in a care home during my Ireland start-up adventure. (No grannies involved, sadly!)
🔥 Book of the Week (BOTW): It's not a book, but it's lit (not biased but it is my brother’s writing)