#52 New Music & New Practices
Accountability groups, song releases and noting practices by Shinzen Young
How has your week been? I'd love to hear about it, so feel free to share. ❤️
Music or Death
This week, I started a weekly call group with some friends for our music stuff. We call it "Music or Death" (pretty self-explanatory lol). We know we can go fast alone, but we'll go far together. In a world that's all about individual success, this group's a reminder that collaboration is often more fruitful (and fun).
How about you? Any journeys you're on that could be more fun with some friends? 🎵
Music Updates
I'm hyped to talk about the release of my new song "Today We Live" with Tihane and Jenji Khalil. I made this while overlooking the desert in Morocco, on the last chapter with an old love. The sunset, the sand, the memories - they all found their way into the music. Give it a listen, and if you love it, share it with someone who needs a musical escape.
Book of the Week: Shinzen Young's Noting Practice
Since the cabin retreat, I've shifted my focus from concentration-based practice to noting practice, specifically learning from Shinzen Young. The idea is to explore the centre of our experiences within hearing, seeing, and feeling, and realize that there's no 'thing' at the core. It's a path to freedom through dividing and conquering our components of the experience. Check out the PDF here.
Thought of the Week
Whether it's making music with friends or exploring our inner landscapes, life's about collaboration. What connections are you nurturing, and what new paths are you exploring? How are you embracing the power of togetherness in your life? Would love to hear as always.
Peace, Lex.
If you found this helpful, please share it with your friends or anyone you think might benefit from it ❤️
Love this toon xx.