#53 Coffee Sculpture
The team in the pod to the right say they do architecture, but we all know it's sims.
In the pod to the left, a sales guy thinks that the louder you say a price, the more likely the customer will convert.
Between the two, with a sculpture of coffee cups blocking the sunlight, ipencil in hand, is me, drawing unintelligible symbols on my screen as my mentor, Ryan, rapidly switches between his 'coaching hat' and his 'consultancy hat'.
I prefer the consultancy hat.
Whilst I believe that there is deep wisdom in each and every human which can be discovered through sitting and thinking (my 14-day retreat in Sri Lanka proved this to some extent), I don't think building a business is this way.
And so Ryan, with his consultancy hat, is running me through the 4 Ps of product market fit:
The persona (who are you selling to)
The problem (what do they struggle with)
The promise (how can you improve their lives)
The product (what do you have)
"Once you have addressed each of these—you now have something you can sell, and sell, and sell" (In our case, we have yet the sales cycle is rather slow because of working with Local Authorities).
Like a sculpture of coffee cups, if the foundation is shaky then boom, splash, crash, it all comes tumbling down.
But, also like my sculpture of coffee cups, all you need to do is work on one P at a time, starting from the start, before moving on.
So don't wait! Hating your job won't get you closer to freedom!
What are your 4 Ps?
Peace (this can’t be one)
Song of the week:
Book of the week: I Am That - here’s the audiobook (part 1). The practice is simple. Say the phrase “I am” and then whatever it feel like you are, in addition to the phrase, subtly look to see if this sensory experience sticks around. You’ll find that it doesn’t, and so the feeling of I am-ness surrounding that sensation quickly fades.
Do this enough and you’ll realise you are nothing.
This is where freedom lies broski