Why are questions the most important aspect of being human?
A question guides a thought.
Thoughts guide actions.
Actions dictate life.
So what question should I be asking?
Hell, what questions are you asking?
I was on the phone with Hector (who’s dehydrated somewhere in Southern India) and he told me about evolution.
He was relaying between beeps of tuk-tuks and sips of lassis:
“Listen bro, nature wasn’t planning on creating humans, it was minding its own business, optimising for the path of least resistance and then, BOOM, here you and I are. Evolution didn’t have humans as its objective. Even more, it couldn’t have had because they previously didn’t exist.”
This makes me question, what am I, in my short and cosmically meaningless life, optimising for?
When I used generative AI for creating shelves back at university, I would set the desired outputs and let computational evolution evolve itself there.
These outputs were:
• It must support a weight of 10kg.
• It must be fastened to the wall by 3 screws.
• It must have a mass of less than 200g.
I then pressed start and let the computer figure its way there. I had no idea of the path that it would take, I just knew that these constraints would be met.
We’re just neural nets swimming with fishy thoughts, so is this an appropriate method to use? In addition to the Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) approach the above leans towards, what other approaches could we take to viewing our one life?
Go through the below frameworks, and quickly and mentally run through the questions. Where you find excitement for what answers the questions bring up, explore why. Where you find fear for the answers that come up, explore why.
PACT Goals
Purposeful → How would achieving the goal change your life?
Actionable → Can I take concrete steps every day?
Continuous → Is this an ever-evolving journey?
Trackable → Can I see my progress along the journey?
Collaborative → How can we ensure everyone is involved in setting and achieving the goal?
Limited → Are our goals narrow and specific enough to be manageable and achievable?
Emotional → How does this goal inspire and motivate us?
Appreciable → Can we break this goal down into smaller, more achievable steps?
Refinable → How can we remain flexible and adapt our goals as circumstances change?
HARD Goals
Heartfelt → Why is this goal personally and emotionally important?
Animated → What vision or story can we create around this goal to make it more engaging?
Required → What makes this goal essential for our business success?
Difficult → How can we set a goal that is challenging but achievable with effort?
WOOP Goals
Wish → What is the specific goal we want to achieve?
Outcome → What positive results will come from achieving this goal?
Obstacle → What potential challenges might we encounter?
Plan → What specific actions do we need to take to overcome obstacles and achieve this goal?
BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal)
Big → What ambitious goal can we set that will have a major impact on our business?
Hairy → What challenging aspects of this goal will push us out of our comfort zone?
Audacious → What bold moves do we need to make to achieve this goal?
Goal → What specific actions and milestones will help us achieve our BHAG?
What questions are you asking in life? Because this will be what your life becomes.
Book of the week: Ready, Fire, Aim → Wish I had read this 5 years ago. Until 1 million revenue you should spend 80% of your time on sales!!! Read that again if you’re a business owner → SALES IS ALL THAT MATTERS IN THE EARLY DAYS.
Song of the week: the sample flip goes crazy